Life in Color with David Attenborough - Season 1


Releasing as not just the newest addition to the nature documentary genre but also the newest collaboration between David Attenborough and Netflix, Life in Color with David Attenborough once again pushes the boundaries of what can be captured from the natural world in a sense that is sure to awe many. Focusing on color and how it is used throughout the natural world, Life in Color with David Attenborough is sure to catch the attention of even the most seasoned adventurers of the nature documentary genre with its stunning visuals and fresh information that will change the ways audiences view the world around them.

Being a mini-series focused on color, it should come as no surprise that the immediate thing to stand out within the series is how visually striking it is. Ever since the revolutionary Planet Earth series back in 2006, it has become standard for the visuals within these documentaries to be nothing short of incredible, and with the rise of camera quality, the artistry within these series keeps going up. It is hard not to have one's breath taken away when viewing such striking footage both in clarity and color. There is a real sense of artistry to the visuals within this series that can be related to the works of an art museum. Specifically with the series capturing the real natural world, there is a sense of profoundness found simply in the ability for the real world to look this stunning and produce such unique visuals.

Yet Life in Color with David Attenborough is not just a showcase of how beautiful life can be, it is an exploration of why certain animals look the way they do. With a specific focus on how animals see color rather than humans, Life in Color with David Attenborough is able to provide fresh information that will create a sense of wonder within the audience. Not only is the series able to push how the audience will view color in a narrative sense but also in a visual sense. Using a brand new camera rig that allows the filmmakers to switch between capturing normal light and the normally invisible ultraviolet light, visually the series is able to capture details never seen before. From how flowers attract the attention of various bugs to how tigers blend into their environment from the perspective of a deer, Life in Color with David Attenborough recontextualises how audiences will view color in the natural world, which is no small task.

Whilst the show is incredibly informative, it is held together by one magical piece of the puzzle: the simple charm of David Attenborough. This legendary figure has charmed audiences for decades and within Life in Color, it is no different. His voiceover work continues to be some of the best ever heard, but it is when Attenborough steps in front of the camera that the true extent of his magic is revealed. Seeing him be genuinely wowed by simple things like the patterns found on flowers or the colors which toucans can detect as they eat berries from his hand genuinely is beyond charming and adds a level of personality that the series benefits greatly from.

Largely, this sentiment is the core of what makes shows like Life in Color with David Attenborough so rewarding. The passion found within these nature documentaries is unrivaled in both film and television. Whether one is looking at the consistent pushing of technology, the patience and effort needed to capture these shots or the genuine amazement the filmmakers clearly have for the content they are finding; the passion and true sense of care that goes into these projects is undeniable and one of the major reasons it is so easy for audiences to get lost in their stories as well.


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